Meghan’s recipe for success: Setting up auto-update rules

Written by | Field Service Software Tips

One of the best time-saving tools in mHelpDesk is our auto-update feature. Setting up automated triggers can save time when you want to assign groups of staff members to work orders when certain conditions are met. Today, we’re going to walk through how you can setup an auto-update rule for your Billing Team.

  1. Create your Billing Team!
    1. Sign into your mHelpDesk Account
    2. Navigate to People > Teams
    3. Create a team called “Billing Team
    4. Add all staff members in your billing team.
    5. Save.
  2. Create a status for the trigger
    1. Navigate to Settings > Ticket Statuses (The third option under “Lists”)
    2. Add a new status called “Open: Ready for billing”
    3. Save.
  3. Create a trigger for the Auto Update Rule
    1. Go to Settings > Auto Update Rules
    2. Click “Add Rule”
    3. “When these conditions are met”, choose “and Status… Open: Ready for billing”
    4. “Automatically update”, choose “Assigned Tech… Billing Team”
    5. Name this rule: Billing Team
    6. Save

Now, every time a work order is changed to the status “Open: Ready for billing”, it will automatically add your entire billing team to the ticket upon saving!

Head to our forum to learn more.

Last Updated By: Rochelle Sanchirico


Last modified: January 16, 2018

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